Hologic’s Intelligent 2D software is an exciting new technology that produces high-quality synthetic 2D images from 3D mammography data, using artificial intelligence to improve the detection of breast lesions while cutting radiation dose and read time compared to standard 2D mammography. Intelligent 2D integrates with the Hologic 3Dimensions Mammography System, which offers a suite of technologies to improve performance, including Clarity HD™ high-resolution 3D™ images and Genius AI™ Detection technology. 

While 2D Intelligent software sounds technical, the results are clinically relevant. Radiologists feel more confident giving diagnoses, and clinicians miss fewer lesions or cancers. In turn, patients feel assured about their diagnosis and may experience superior outcomes long-term.

How Does Hologic’s Intelligent 2D Software Work? 

The function of Hologic’s Intelligent 2D software is to enhance the quality of standard two-dimensional mammography images. The system uses a combination of artificial intelligence and 3D tomosynthesis data to generate a new synthetic 2D image. 

Conventional images lose data and fidelity without algorithmic assistance. Hologic’s technology lets synthetic 2D images preserve fine details and contrast of the original 3D image, allowing for a more accurate diagnosis. 

Intelligent algorithms achieve higher quality through several methods. Software, for instance, reduces the noise of images, helping to eliminate random elements that might distort the picture. It also specializes in removing artifacts that could reduce calcification and visibility of lesions, providing clinicians with a clearer picture of breast tissue. 

Hologic’s  Intelligent 2D software is compatible with all Hologic 3D Mammography systems and can be easily integrated into existing workflows. It’s also FDA-approved and CE-marked for clinical use, meaning clinics can use it with greater confidence. Widely described as a “breakthrough” technology, it is a critical step forward in women’s healthcare, offering a vastly enhanced experience over older systems. 

What Are The Applications Of Hologic’s Intelligent 2D Software?

Radiologists can use Hologic’s Intelligent 2D Software for various mammography screening types. For instance, Intelligent 2D software can be used as a replacement for conventional 2D mammography in screening programs, offering equal or better breast cancer detection rates, and reducing false positives. 

It is also suitable for diagnostic mammography. Radiologists can use it as an adjunct to 3D tomosynthesis in diagnostic settings because it provides a familiar 2D view of the breast. This approach lets clinicians leverage the technology and make “apples-to-apples” comparisons with outputs from other modalities. 

Some clinics may also use Hologic’s Intelligent 2D Software for enhanced risk assessment. The solution can generate volumetric breast density measurements from 3D tomosynthesis data, which can help assess the risk of developing breast cancer and personalize screening strategies. Patients get a clearer view of their non-genetic risk, while radiologists benefit from eliminating the subjectivity and bias that can arise in conventional breast density assessments. 

What Are The Benefits Of Hologic’s Intelligent 2D Software?

Hologic’s Intelligent 2D Software offers multiple benefits to radiologists, clinics, and patients. 

No-Compromise Diagnoses

Intelligent 2D™ imaging technology lets clinicians improve decision speeds without increasing the radiation dose or reducing accuracy. The solution retains more features of interest from the Genius™ 3D Mammography™ exam data, providing clinicians with high-fidelity images for improved clinical outcomes. 

More Decision-Making Confidence

Secondly, finely detailed 2D images from the Genius™ exam data enhance clinician confidence, improving workplace well-being. Medical professionals can see tissue details more clearly, letting them make more comprehensive and accurate diagnoses. Intelligent 2D software improves microcalcification detection and boosts round, soft, and spiculated lesion visibility. 

Expedite Examinations

Genius™ exams are proven across multiple students to detect more invasive breast cancers at lower radiation doses. Intelligent 2D™ imaging technology comes with built-in mapping capabilities to expedite 3D™ exams in the clinic. 

Studies Supporting The Use Of Hologic’s 2D Software

Several studies highlight clinically-significant benefits for practices that migrate to Hologic’s 2D Software. For instance, Spear et al. (2023) report data relating to their experience transitioning from C-View™ software, which generates synthesized 2D images with a resolution of 100 microns, to Intelligent 2D software in a high-volume breast imaging practice. The team discovered that Intelligent 2D images offered higher quality, improved read times, lower dose, and more detail than conventional C-view images. Perhaps more importantly, outputs had a more natural appearance, similar to FFDM, helping clinicians make more direct comparisons with previous screenings using different technology. 

Rafferty et al. performed a different study type comparing the accuracy of Intelligent 2D software against FFDM and C-view. The investigation involved over 24 radiologists and 260 cases. They discovered that Intelligent 2D software users benefited from higher specificity and sensitivity than either C-view or FFDM software for detecting breast cancer. Intelligent 2D software also had significantly lower false positives or recall rates than the competing technologies. 

In general, these studies support the continued use of Hologic’s Intelligent 2D Software and confirm its reliability and effectiveness for breast cancer screening operations. Aside from superior image quality, it offers better lesion characterization and diagnostic accuracy than conventional FFDM or synthesized techniques. 

What You Need To Know About Hologic’s Intelligent 2D Software

Clinicians should note that Hologic’s Intelligent 2D Software requires a 3D Mammography exam to produce synthesized 2D images. Hence, patients who undergo standard 2D exams cannot benefit from the technology. 

Clinicians should also know that Intelligent 2D Software is incompatible with all mammography workstations or PACS systems. Therefore, you may need software or hardware upgrades to integrate with existing platforms.

Lastly, Intelligent 2D Software doesn’t replace Hologic Dimensions 3D tomosynthesis mammography. Radiologists should still review both data sets for optimal patient outcomes and diagnosis. 


Hologic’s Intelligent 2D software uses advanced algorithms to generate 2D synthesized images from 3D mammography data. These outputs have substantially higher fidelity, allowing clinicians to diagnose breast cancer lesions with more confidence and avoid false positives. 

At Mammo.com, we offer many Hologic Mammography systems with this feature enabled. If you are looking for more information about this software, please give us a call or reach out on the inquiry request below.